Sunday 28 October 2012

Teacher Feedback

Vahesan you have made some progress with aspects of the research and planning work such as a range of textual analyses that show a sound understanding of the key conventions, in addition to some theoretical understanding e.g. Marxist theory. You must now finish all research work to include post modernist and post feminist interpretations of music videos. In addition you must add you audience research findings - use the checklist and power point in Firefly to support you. Meeting the deadlines set is to key to your overall mark for their aspect of the course. At present you are working towards a level 3.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Music Video Analysis- Goldie - "Inner City Life" / Marxism Theory Based

Artist(s)/ Band: Goldie
Track name: Inner City Life (album -Timeless)
Release date: 12th September 1994,1995(Album)
Genre: Drum and Bass, Electro/Techno
The music video of a famous electro/techno DJ, Goldie, narrates the reality of a particular section of society, the lower middle class. Shining the light on the lives of the middle class instantaneously causes much of the audience to relate to the video, oppressing the status quo of how they (lower/middle class) are benefit dependant, have low work productivity and a leech to society, but in fact there lives are in fact hard to sustain even for a decent living to support family and keep surviving.

The majority of camera shots are low angle shots used to show the housing estates which visually looks unpleasant and creates an empowering enclosure to the lives of the people living in them. This negative amplifications are used to portray the reality of the life of people living in the city, hence the link to the title of the video "Inner City Life", with the sepia colour scheme used in the editing of the video, we get a sense of colourless, which can be also used to resemble emotionless characters. 

The mise en scene used in the video shows shows bills and empty trolleys, this representation shows the bombardment of money in which middle class people have to pay out to survive in order to get food and shelter, the empty trolley can be used to imply the lack of food and water, the money being absorbed through bills, any essentials are swallowed immediately and therefore families are in struggle to survive. 

Music Video Analysis - Wretch 32 ft Josh Kumra - "Don't go"

Artist(s)/ Band: Wretch 32, Josh Kumra
Name of song:  Don’t Go
Director: Ben Newman
Release date: 11th July 2011
Genre: Rap/Hip-hop
Throughout the video alot of variety of camera techniques have been used, low angle helps establish supremacy, medium and long shots help picture the surrounding environment that can be used to represent the artist in various ways, the most common shot we see through the video is the panning shot, this shot causes to visually focus on Wretch 32s gestures and actions, as a result making the video more interesting to watch, due to the symbols and graffity words on the walls such as "What if" creates a deeper impact as it is absorbed visually.
The type of genre in which the video is categorised under (Rap/Hip) will stereotypically make the audience pre judge the artists clothing and representations, however Wretch 32 is portrayed oppositely to what is stereotypically known about this genre, he is dressed in a smart manner with a waistcoat and shirt, a sophisticated look which definately challenges the stereoptypical genre identity this video would have foreseen. Opposing the typical representation can be used to imply that this artist wants to terminate the literal prejudged thoughts, many audiences can relate to this and therefore be much coherant to the video and also to his other releases.
There are countless abstract scenes, thus making the video seem much calmer to the eyes of the audience, the different shots of water ripples, clouds and the slow motion camera affects inevitabley makes the whole video less aggressive and therefore this video can be argued that it can be used as an emotional releasing factor in were the audience can find peace and tranquility. 

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Music Magazine Advertisement; Green Day - "American Idiot"

This music advertisement of Green Day promoting their album release "American Idiot" uses a higher volume of text than the other music advertisements that I had analysed upon. The increased number of text can be an overload on information, but in this case, the text are presented in a clear format with words such as "Free", "No.1" that catches the viewers attention and keeps the viewer more interested, resulting in them gaining more information that would likely to remain in their memory.

The majority of the advertisement is filled with one of the members gazing up into the skies. The wondrous look in his eyes emphasis excitement and adds mystery to suspicion. But it can also be argued that it implies an uplifting power which causes the singer to momentarily look up rather than at the audience (during performance), this action of the singer will cause the potential buyer to be more persuaded to buy their album.  

Monday 15 October 2012

Music Magazine Advertisement; Beyonce - "Dangerously in love"

This advertisement of Beyoncé’s "Dangerously in love", applies the typical genre related features that would be expected to see from a famous and talented artist.

Three quarters of the advertisement consists of the, much critics say, perfect body of Beyoncé posing with her hand in the air, slanted on a angle but face directly looking at the viewer, with her hair flared out, which creates a moving momentum feeling that could be used to imply both elegance and control (face directly looking at the viewer).

The bottom quarter of the advertisement shows simplistic text "CD IN STORES" "JUNE 24", in large bold print, in grey, this stands out due to the contrasting background, black. This differs to the previous text used on the name of the artist "Beyoncé" which is much more unusual, funkier thus making it stand out to the rest of the text on the advertisement.

In addition, the mise-en-scene that has been used on the advertisement opens up to Beyoncé wearing a unique dress which reveals much of her bronzed skin. The silver and white jewels embedded on the dress can be used to show glamour and wealth, which could be widely affiliated with women all over the world but also definite attractive factor towards the male gender.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Vahesan you have added some more research to this blog. Please add all other items.

Friday 12 October 2012

Music Magazine Advertisment; Rihanna -"Russian Roulette"

This music advertisement of Rihanna's (popular singer from America) is highly different from any of her previous advertisements, which are generally colourful and more defined as 'sexy'. The advert consists of an image of Rihanna with a metal hand on her face; the mise-en scene- of a robotic arm could use to imply control and an emotionless being. Only specific features of her face are shaded in a dark tone, this causes her facial features to appear sharp and bold, the boldness of her image emphasis strength and a sense of fearless.

Most of the advert is used to show her face, which is widely known all around the world, so people can easily recognise the artist and then follow onto the texts, "Rihanna", "The new album", in colours of white with a black background, contrasting colours to make the letters stand out, however the title of her album "Russian Roulette" is printed in red, the only colour that has been used in the entire advert. The red colour could be used to represent emotions of anger and power, but the rest of the cover uses only black and white colours in different shades to create a greyscale picture of Rihanna, a great contrast to the type of genre Rihanna is involved in, as they are usually bright, colourful in R&B/Hip-hop.

Monday 1 October 2012

Front Cover Analysis; Green Day - " American Idiot"

Album Name: American Idiot
Artist/Band: Green Day
Released: 21/09/2004

Green Day, an american famous punk rock band released their seventh studio album "American Idiot" in late 2004. This front cover album which consists of three main colours, red white and black amplifies the theme of anger and rage. Red is a colour of passion, unity and love but at the same time could also be seen as a colour of rage, destruction and bloodshed, whereas white could be used to represent peace and tranquillity, the blackground consists of black, which allows the contrasting colours to stand out more, although the black background could be argued that it creates a sense of loneliness aswell.

A bleeding heart customized to look as if it is a grenade held in a white cartoon silhouette hand is what grabs this album cover attention. An unusual image of a heart shaped as a grenade, a symbol of love and peace that is 'shelled' to pose as a weapon of destruction could be used to portray a story of love vs hate.

The cartoon hand that is holding this "Love grenade" can also be interpreted to represent love as a weapon to cause destruction in the wrong hands. In relation to the title of the album "American Idiot" (written in a deterated font to show broken letters; chaos, out of order) - which implies a person from a wealthy nation being unwise and therefore possibley a strong relation between the "Love Grenade" and the "American Idiot" can be foreseen on the front cover of this album, enevitebely the contents of the album are then anticipated; a confused, love and hate story.